Baarney Baaargain

Let's get started

It only takes 5 minutes to complete and attach required documents.

Already Lodged a Claim?

Add attachment to an existing claim
The Claim Number you entered is invalid. You'll find your Claim Number on the confirmation email you received when your claim was initially lodged. Don't worry if you can’t find it, you can email our claims team on [email protected]
Ewe & Your Policy
What Happened?
Tell us about your car hire excess claim​
Was someone else at fault or liable for the incident?
Describe what happened Please briefly explain how the incident occurred, who was involved, the extent of damage to the vehicle, and what happened directly after the event.
2000 Characters remaining
Your Expenses
Please add your rental vehicle damage/theft expenses​
Your Payment Details
Tell us where to deposit your funds​
Important Information

Car Hire Excess claims are handled by the dedicated claims team at the Travel Claims Centre (TCC), a registered business name of Coffre-Fort Pty Ltd.

All information that you provide is collected in accordance with our privacy policy. We use the information you provide us with to assess your claim and pursue any recovery. We may need to provide that information to other people, for example your insurers and any assessors, rental car companies or others that may assist in processing your claim.

All answers to questions and information that you provide must be an honest, accurate, true and correct representation of facts.

You must substantiate your claim by submitting a copy of your rental vehicle agreement, original receipts and invoices issued by legitimate and verifiable providers.

You acknowledge that any misrepresentation of facts may be investigated and any alleged unlawful misrepresentation reported to the relevant authorities.

You must be the legitimate beneficiary of any claim settlement.

I have read the terms above and ticking this box certifies my understanding of these terms. I declare that all information provided is true and correct.